Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thing #24-Where I go from here!

This was definitely an experience for me. There were some pros and cons for this assignment meaning that there were some tasks that I enjoyed and others I didn't. Some assignments that I like was Live Banners and the different image generators. I also like Flickr because I was able to see  thousands of different images of various things. Some that I did not like was the RSS, and  Zoho. Some of this I do not find useful in a classroom but a lot of this I will. I can defiantly see my self using a lot of this in my day-to-day life. I'm glad that I was able to learn this valuable information and use this in my future!!!

Think #23-The End!

Prior to this class, I had never heard of Creative Commons. But I had heard of Plagiarism. Ever since middle school, all of my teachers talked about you can't plagiarize. It's against the law. But now that I'm thinking about it, a lot of Power Points that I have created in the past I did not do it correctly. I just assumed that if it was on the Internet I could use whatever I wanted that I could find.  But now I know what Creative Commons are and I can teach my students about them as well. Tell them it's OK to use the information off of the Internet and Google but have to say you created it.

Thing #22

This website has potential of being very affective. I can have a workbook of different websites that i can easily access to show my students. Within in my binder I have several different tabs from worksheets to games. This is definitely something I can use in my classroom.

Thing #21-Ashley's Animoto Video

Ashley's Animoto Video

I really enjoyed this website! I found it very fun while creating this video. I don't think I could use this in a lecture, but if I participated in a fundraiser, I could use this to show others what we did during the progress. 

Thing #20-YouTube

I absolutely love YouTube!! I know at least once a week I use YouTube to watch some type of video. I have a 10 month old daughter who loves Mickie Mouse. Yesterday when I went shopping at the mall she was very fussy and not feeling good. So to make her feel better I turned on Mickie Mouse and she was all better, laughing and smiling. Here is one of the episodes that we watch:

Also if a new movie is coming out we are able to view clips and tailors for that movie. For example, the next movie I want to see is the final part of the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part -2.

Thing #19

The website I decided to join is  This is a wonderful tool for educators for a classroom.  This allows teachers to share lesson plans, ideas, projects, and new ways of teaching  students and keep them engaged.  There are constantly different and new ideas to teach in the classroom.  Using, I was able to find out the important information that I could use for being an effective teacher.  I  can to help other teachers with their new students by blogging about my classroom. I can also give new teachers ideas on how to set-up their classroom and give them some useful ideas.
IMDB is something that I use quite often. I use this a lot I even have an app of it on my phone! I use this fir many different reasons. If there is a movie that I'm thinking of and I cant think of the actors in it, this network will allow me to do it. Also if there is a movie that I want to see, I am able to see the actors in it along with seeing the ratings.  

Thing #18

I think that Facebook can be very useful in a classroom and even for a school. Schools could create a Facebook page for many reasons. Upcoming events that are coming up, and faculty meeting, sport games. This could be very useful.
I personally like Facebook to an extent. I use Facebook to keep up with friends from school, and my friends from Louisiana where I use to live. The biggest reason I use Facebook is to put pictures of my beautiful daughter on there. I know that there are several of people who I don't see often they enjoy seeing pictures of my daughter on there. :-)

Thing #17

This post is all about bookmarking. Before this class I only heard of bookmarking on the internet through Pinetrest. Pinterest is a Web 2.0 tool where people can share things and where others can get ideas and do projects. Delicious is something I might consider doing in a classroom. This allows you to book mark things where you can access them anywhere you go. either by your computer classroom, laptop, or your iPad. One idea that you can use this for your classroom is possibly doing group work. Students will have to join the page and everyone can view it! Also, this allows students to search material if needed to.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thing #16

Before this assignment, I didn't know that I could have a Google homepage but I love it! I have always loves Google and that is why I choose iGoogle. When I log into my Google page everything is organize how I want it. I have my weather on the front page due to since it winter time is approaching I can easily veiw what tje weather will be like and see if we have snow in the forecast. :-)  This page that I choose was the spring time template. This one appealed to me because I was born in the spring and that is my favorite time of the year. My favorite thing about this is the calendar. Since I have such a busy schedule it  allows me to view my schedule while looking at my homepage.

Thing #15-Wikipedia

Thing 15 is all about wiki...a collaboration of different websites that will easily allow you to add, remove, or edit information. The well known Wiki website that everybody uses is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a web based encyclopedia that is a very useful tool. Me personally I like Wikipedia because I am easily able to gather information for a quick assignment. But I would never use this website as a cite for citation because since it is a wiki tool it can easity be altered and give me false information.
For this assignment I choose At first I didn't quite understand but then I got to understand it. I added pictured of what I would go over for that lesson. For example, if I were to teach about triangles, I listed a few pictures that would go along with my topic.  Here is my link to my page.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Thing #14

For this activity i used and I found this very interesting but found it very useful. I found many ways how I could use this teaching both math and history. For teaching math I could use this by teaching them how to solve equations step by step visually. Also I would love to use this tool with creating a history PowerPoint. I could use this by teaching them different wars and what happened during each battle. could be used when you are teaching an English class.  I can use this website by creating a Venn Diagram on the pros and cons of a story the class had to read.

Thing #13

Google Docs and Zoho Writer are two internet based applications where you can create documents and spreadsheets. These are two great tools that teachers will be able to use for there classroom. These two applications allows us to create these documents with out having to download the software to the computer.
Overall I like Goggle docs better because over all it seems easier to use. I have created a spreadsheet for attendance that I can use for my classroom. I browsed around Zoho but I didn't quite understand it and found it kind of difficult.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thing #12-Google is more than a search engine!!

     Google by far is the best search engine out on the Internet. However, it's more than just a place to search things. The two things that I absolutely love about Google is google Drive and the Calendar.

     Google Drive allows you to save things to the Internet where ever you are. And no matter where you are located, you can access it anywhere.

     Google Calendar is my favorite! I have it set to my phone to where anything is due, it sends me an alert. One reason why I Love it is because it keeps up with my busty schedule. From being a full-time student, a full-time mother to a 10 month old daughter, an working part-time it keeps up with whats all due and when it due.

I would use this in my classroom to help remind me when things are. I will be able to put in there when field trips are, due dates, and when I will begin new lessons.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thing #11

I really enjoyed using Technorati. This tool allows you to search for blogs and/or posts to interest you.  It can also help you find RSS feeds for topic specific blogs that you are looking for.  If you are in a hurry and don't have time do read the information, Technorati allows you to just the search information and several post will appear. Another tool that I found very useful was Google Blog. When using Google blog it narrows your search bar to just blogs only. I actually am using this tool in another class. I'm having to find information for effective teachers. I will search other blogs to help my self gather information for this project. And thanks to Thing #11, I found a great tool to help me!

Thing #10

I really did enjoy exploring all the options that were available for RSS Reader. This website allows teachers to receive updated information over the web. Using this new tool for both my personal and professional life is going to make data more easier.  New teachers will be able to gather information with the current ideas that are being used around the world.  Using these feeds allow teachers to contact different teachers and classrooms to share one another.

Teachers can keep all their information on this blog all in one location where we don't have to go back and forth trying to gather all of our information. Doing this would save a tremendous amount of time because time in a classroom is time is valuable!