Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thing #9-My Favorite!

I REALLY enjoyed doing this activity! The website that I used was Happy Face Generator.

 This website could be really useful to your class where you can put signs around your class with your own design.

Here are a few that I came up with that I could use in my classroom. 

 This next picture came from  This website was pretty neat because you are able to put your own photos on there and come up with designs and frames to put them in.

Thing #8

This think was not really my favorite. I found some of the links were very difficult including Mappr and Mosaic Flickr. I tried playing around with those and I was not able to figure I out. The one that I like and found easy was Spell with Flickr. all you had to do was type out what you wanted to spell and it did it for you. This could be very useful to a classroom. Teachers could use this for kindergarteners to teach them how to spell/.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Thing #7

At first I had difficulties figuring out how to use Flickr but then I got the hang if things. I found it very interesting how there was just a screen of tags where you could choose any topic that you wanted. The topic that I had chosen was France, and from there I chose Paris then the Effie Tower. I choose that topic because 4 years ago I went on a cruise around Europe; Paris, France was one of the cities that I had visited.

For this task I decided to upload a picture from Flickr itself and also upload a photo of me and my family that was taken in front of the Effie Tower.

The photographer of this photo actually lives  Paris that I thought was pretty neat. A lot of the photos that he takes are actually taken in Paris!

Here is the link to the picture I uploaded:

I am the one on the far left!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thing #6

The Web 2.0 that I choose was Google Docs. I had previously heard about it but never had quite understood it. Google Docs is a tool where you can store word documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. The only requirement that is needed is internet access. You are able to log into to any computer and log into you g mail account and access your Google docs from there.
     For example, if you are writing a paper at home and you can't find your USB drive, you are able to log into your Gmail account, go to Google Docs, and save it to your account. Then when you get to school, sign in and you are able to print it off from the schools computer... Pretty neat!!
Google Docs is the new thing with putting documents on the internet. It saves paper and time form trying to save it on a USB drive.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thing #5

School 2.0 is the new thing. It is the new way for students to learn. With the way that technology is growing every year, that will be the new way of learning, and Web 2.0 does that for us. Students today have an advantage with using technology to be able to learn. With smart boards, iPad's, and computers in every classroom, gives them an opportunity to use the Web 2.0 to learn and play games at the same time. When I was in school I did not use technology to learn. It was the basic pencil and paper. But today's children are lucky. They have tools like the school 2.0 that will let them learn more and in a fun matter.

Thing #4

I enjoyed reading other peoples post. I was able to learn a little about different people by viewing their blog. I commented on 5 other classmates post on their different thing's.

Marianne Spencer-  I commented on her post from Thing 7. She wrote a very touching story about her daughter being a miracle from God. I commenting back saying that I loved her story and how it gave me goose bumps.

Danielle Witter- I commented on her post from Thing 1. I agreed with her on her post about Habit #6. I agreed with her that we use technology on an everyday basis. And that is a very essential tool for our everyday life.

Alexis Wylie- I commented on her post from Thing 6. Her blog mentioned about 2.0 tools. I commented that Pandora was an awesome to use. Free music, can't beat that :-)

Lindsey Oliphant- I commented on her post from Thing 3. She talked about how blogging would be useful in a classroom. And I agree with her. Doing things on the internet, like posting newsletters, could save a lot of paper for the school.

Andrea Watt- I commented on her post from Thing 2. She talked about how she enjoyed creating her Avatar. I did too. I liked how we were able to create he/she the way we wanted to and how it would look like us. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thing #3- A Blog in a Classroom??

     When I first started to come up with ideas about using a blog in my classroom I thought this was a crazy idea. I thought why in the world would I need a blog. But then I got to thinking, this could be a great way to keep parents posted of what's going on in class. I could put daily activities of what my classroom is doing.

     For my personal use, I could keep a journal of what all I have done with my education classes for college and how things are going once I become a teacher.

Thing #2- What an Experience...

     WOW... that's all I can say about creating this account. I personally found it very difficult doing this. I don't know why but I just did. When I first created this account I was on a Mac and I had the biggest trouble on uploading my Avatar pic. But I was able to figure it out using a PC. However, I really did enjoy creating my Avatar. I liked how I was able to personalize it and make it kind of look like me.

     When I was first told that I had to create a blog for this class I was like, "Are you kidding me??". I never really did understand the purpose of using a blog. But this will be an experience. Maybe I will like it...who knows...

Thing #1

     7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners was a very interesting PowerPoint to view. While looking over this, I saw things from a different perspective that I have never considered. While reviewing each habit, I compared them to myself. The two habits that I sort of connect with was Habit 2 and Habit 4.

     Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind.
  • If I start a task I picture myself completing to the end. For example, college. I start my first day of college with the expectations of me graduating within a 4-5 year time period.
     Habit 4: Have the confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
  • In school, I am given a hard task and I am worried that I may not do it correctly or don't have it done in time. So instead i start to panic. Instead, I need to have confidence in myself and tell myself that I can do this!!