Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thing #3- A Blog in a Classroom??

     When I first started to come up with ideas about using a blog in my classroom I thought this was a crazy idea. I thought why in the world would I need a blog. But then I got to thinking, this could be a great way to keep parents posted of what's going on in class. I could put daily activities of what my classroom is doing.

     For my personal use, I could keep a journal of what all I have done with my education classes for college and how things are going once I become a teacher.


  1. I agree with the idea of using a blog to keep parents up to date. It would eliminate the gross waste of paper associated with traditional newsletters that are sent home, maybe read by about half the parents, and then thrown into the trash.

  2. I had no idea what to really expect when this class started. I was kind of like you...thinking....what, a blog???

    I will have to admit..this is kind of fun....time consuming but fun. My daughters 3rd grade teacher uses shutterfly for her class. As a parent, I like it. She posts things such as volunteer opportunities, homework assignments, dates of upcoming quizzes, etc. I would have never thought this until not, but I can see how a blog could be a great tool to communicate. I am not sure if I will use blogspot or shutterfly (or whatever is created in about 2 years) but I can certainly see myself using somethin like this...

  3. I really think blogging is great too!It's like a journal, just public. It's definitely a great way to show your friends and family what has been going on in your life and how you feel about certain things!
