Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind.
- If I start a task I picture myself completing to the end. For example, college. I start my first day of college with the expectations of me graduating within a 4-5 year time period.
- In school, I am given a hard task and I am worried that I may not do it correctly or don't have it done in time. So instead i start to panic. Instead, I need to have confidence in myself and tell myself that I can do this!!
I could relate to Habit 4 as well. I often get so overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of work I see coming for the semester instead of rust reminding myself that I can and will get it all done. That if I pace myself and plan ahead of time the work won't be so overwhelming. I also have an problem being confident because I see where I struggle. When I don't get a concept or idea I just feel like I am never going to. It is said that everyone is their own worse critic and I definitely believe, but we have to find a way to overcome that. I think positive self talk is where it needs to start...like the little engine that could, "I think I can, I know I can".